Romance Novel With a
Sci-Fi Twist

My Dream Lover is a romance novel with a science fiction twist. The story begins as a coming-of-age tale centered around a young man named Robert Bryant and his younger sister Emily, who are strangers in a new town in 1953. Born a genius with exceptional coordination, Robert excels in high school sports. However, due to his nature, Robert struggles with the concept of love, leading him to only maintain short, casual relationships. Years later, Robert unexpectedly finds the passion of true love, but his life takes a sudden turn, thrusting him into a world of betrayal, deceit, and treachery as he fights to reunite with his one true love. Along the way, Robert uncovers a dark past and learns more about himself, revealing why he became the way he is. Will Robert be able to reunite with his true love, or will he lose her forever? Only time will tell in this romantic story with a sci-fi twist.


A Different Era

My Dream Lover is much more than a typical romance novel; it’s a love story infused with science fiction elements, set against the backdrop of a different era. The 1950s were a vastly different culture compared to today, a fact even more pronounced in the small Midwestern town where much of My Dream Lover takes place.

Looking Back at a Simpler Time

Many who lived in small Midwestern towns during the 1950s look back on those times as simpler and better in many ways. Life was less stressful and demanding, with lower crime rates compared to inner cities, and the concept of respect was still deeply valued. My Dream Lover captures the quaintness and simplicity of that time.


Understanding the Value of Genuine Connections

Without cable TV, the Internet, social media, or modern devices, people spent more time together, socializing and communicating naturally. There was a stronger sense of credibility and trust among people, and family and friends held more meaning in this era, where the story of My Dream Lover unfolds.

What Sets It Apart

Beyond the historical elements, My Dream Lover delves into themes that go well beyond the average romance novel. The protagonist embarks on a unique mission to reunite with his lost love, demonstrating unwavering dedication despite numerous adversities, and showcasing the true meaning of love. While the book isn’t strictly categorized as science fiction, My Dream Lover definitely has a sci-fi twist that sets it apart. If you have any questions or would like to discuss My Dream Lover further, please don't hesitate to reach out.